
Digital Research Colloquium (No. 4), 31.01.2023

The Digital Research Colloquium is an open forum for collaborative exchange on sustainability research. Every 6–8 weeks the network is meeting on a remote basis for two presentations by members of the PLUS network about their current research. Programme (CET)16:00-16:15News from the PLUS network16:15-17:00Ius Nathalie Chingate Hernandez, PhD (Universidade de los Andes, Colombia): “Water justice […]

PLUS Kick-Off Conference

From July 14-15, 2022, PLUS did launch its Kick-Off conference at the University of Giessen, Germany. Colleagues from all nine partner universities came together to constitute a network for international collaboration in social sciences concerns in sustainability. For two days we did discuss aspects of future cooperation in sustainability teaching and research. Stimulating ideas for […]